
we had an awesome weekend, friday night, cinco de mayo party …. saturday, whitney came and stayed with us…. we went up to jerry and susies, got to introduce deandra to the vandercars and visit with ruby….enola got to see a baby calf born on the farm,



then we went to steph and eldens to wish grandma a happy mother day:)
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sunday, i awoke to having deandra with me, the greatest blessing to have a new baby placed in bed with you… at least i think so:) i love love love kids in my bed:)

then mike took us out to breakfast and whitney gave me the necklace from all the kids, i love it, i never personally liked the birthstone moms rings…this is perfect!


it is beautiful and i will treasure it forever… a sterling silver charm necklace they had made with the kids names on it and 3 pearls for our angel babies! i love how all the kids names our intermingled and not separated into each individual family… we are one family united together and that is so awesome to me……….i can’t thank my kids and spouses enough for giving us the blessings they have….. have i mentioned i have the greatest sons and daughter and daughter in laws and son in law:) i just think it was pretty awesome of whitney to come and spend the weekend with us… david had to work, it’s his really busy work season coming up, so we get to enjoy whit and the girls:)
also…luke and tam thank you for the flowers and for the heartfelt writings in your card,
you all do make a mom feel good:)


i can’t hold deandra enough:)


we always kid whit about how smart enola is… we think she is advanced and needs to tell the kindergarten teacher this:)….while in church enola pointed to a heart whit had drawn and said “heart- love you” then pointed to a cross and said “cross JESUS” she is repeating everything and has quite the vocabulary i was saying she is like a parrot repeating everything and she says ” like a parrot repeat everything” …. cracked me up..

she got to play outside and enjoy the sun with emma and evia


the girls helped water all my flowers



luke was having his own block party:)

emma, being our little mom


mike grilled out we made shish- kabobs a beautiful day filled with sunshine, love and family.

levi is missing in the pics…. he slept about the whole time here, and was not feeling well, poor little guy, i love you levi……….. and of course my little eliza:) next mothers day we’ll be together:)

we ended the night at pastor and donna’s around a camp fire with pastor meadows and his wife, they are in from wyoming and looking to relocate back to indiana.

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