i have cried so many tears these past few days, whenever i sit and think, it just hits me, i have had time to think and i go from acceptance to “no this can’t be” ……..the hardest part is not being able to be close to shel, but at the same time, i know she is where she should be with james. thank you, to all of you who have called or sent messages to me, it really does help knowing people are praying and i am praying that we can accept God’s plan and his will for all of us……………
one of my favorite sayings came in a message from brenda from camp lutherhaven,
Oh Verna,

Tears. Tears. Tears.
And prayers to the only One who will catch every one.

I am holding all of you in prayer.

In His grip,

it does help take your mind off of things and to spend time with family ….thanks to luke and tammy, we got away for a bit to watch evia play ball and to go to emma’s science fair

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