today was hard in church, afterwards one of the retired pastors came up to me, to give me some words of comfort, what he said…. God knows you and when you get to the edge, what you think is the edge!…. he moves it, or when you get to the end of the rope, he gives you more rope….He knows you, He has called you by name and you are HIS………….

an old swedish proverb says “shared joys are doubled joys and shared sorrows are half a sorrow” i have shared many joys on here and sorrows, thank you for helping with our burdens…………… Galatians 6:
Thank God for awesome friends and family

talked with shel early this morning and they are doing well, they have already worked through a lot with the support they have been given and they have already accepted the challenges God is given to them and believe he wouldn’t have given them her, if he didn’t think they couldn’t handle her situation…………

they are an amazing couple together in their shared faith

this is just a little part of an email james sent me, i don’t think he would mind me sharing……….since so many of you have asked if we are going over there or when…………

Thank you for your love and support. While you guys are always welcome into home, keep in mind that we have found a peace in making our decision. We are going to need all the support we can get when the time comes however. The first day or two was rough, but we are out of that now. We have returned to living our life like we haven’t just lost a child, because the truth of the matter is… we haven’t. We are going to spend this time loving and caring for our child while we still have her. Shel will need you probably more than ever once we have lost her though, and if you are planning a trip over here… that is when it should be made.
continued prayers for all they are faced with and God’s Peace

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