this is part of an email that was sent to me from a boys mom of a camper that went to camp with shel at camp lutherhaven when she was in middle school!
their daughter has gone through the same thing as shel, not just once… but twice

katie like your daughter, is a woman of strong faith. I have sometimes wondered if she had been a weaker person if God would have spared her this heartache. Somehow, it seems that God sends his most special babies to the moms he knows will unfailingly carry out His will with love and faith! Your journey is especially difficult for not only will you lose a grandchild, but you will have to watch your own child suffer and not be able to do anything about it. Our family’s prayers will be with you every day. I will pray that you can be strong for Shel to draw strength from. You and your family will be forever changed by this experience and your faith will be tested

then this morning i get this from luke:

“A theologian of the cross (that is, one who speaks of the crucified and hidden God), teaches that punishments, crosses, and death are the most precious treasury of all…Indeed fortunate and blessed is he who is considered by God to be so worthy that these treasures of the relics of Christ should be given to him; rather, who understands that they are given to him. For to whom are they not offered? As St. James says, “Count it all joy, my brethren, when you meet various trials (Jas. 1:2). For not all have this grace and glory to receive these treasures, but only the most elect of the children of God.”

all i can say is WOW just WOW! i was pretty out of it this weekend, yesterday i lost my phone, steph found it on top of her car! it took a ride up there at youche country club! i just can’t think real straight these days, with all that is going on, with shel and my mom…so please forgive me if i seem out of sorts………i am!

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