susie stopped by this morning at stephs and bev from rangeline church made me a prayer shawl also! ( one was first sent to korea for shel and james, after being held and prayers said)….i just don’t even have the words to thank bev and susie for their thoughtfulness… i cried, cried cried……… susie, mom, me, and steph prayed with my shawl wrapped around me, this is going to be such a great comfort to me in the coming months………i just can’t express the feelings i got from this, susie and steph you are the best sisters anyone could ask for:)
i will feel God’s love in this whenever it is around me and i thank God for the loving hands that knit this for me:) i got the nicest letter from bev, she said the color is “montana sky” and the stitch is called the “moss stitch” 3 knits 3 purls repeated to represent the trinity……

this letter tells more about prayer shawls:

May 22, 2011 Dear Verna,
It has been a wonderful experience to knit a “prayer shawl” for you. For centuries shawls have been used as an embracing symbol of God’s love. May you wear it, hold and touch it and be confident in the knowledge that you are forever a child of God.
Prayer shawls are meant to be used alone or shared with others. I pray that the use of this shawl will help you to explore your life and capture the memories; the precious, the humorous, joyful and even the painful. Zephaniah 3:17 tells us “He will take great delight in you. He will quiet you with his love, and he will rejoice over you with singing. ” As you snuggle up with your shawl may you envision God holding you on his lap, rocking and singing to comfort you, and serenading you with His love songs. Imagine Jesus with dancing eyes and tapping feet to a lively tune bouncing you on his knees!!
Loving hands embraced knitting needles and yarn as prayers were whispered from the heart for the person receiving his shawl. Prayers of thanksgiving, peace, joy and comfort came to my heart and mind.
The “moss stitch” is an intricate pattern of 3 knits and 3 purls repeated to represent the trinity. It is interesting that the Homespun yarn has some flaws. We also are not perfect, life is not perfect, but when the experiences of our life are knitted together they become strong and beautiful. When the flawed times come in our live, we go on to the next stitch, pick up a stitch or correct a mistake and that flaw becomes a part of the pattern of our life.
The color of your shawl is “Montana Sky” which consists of a blend of many hues and is a wonderful example of our individual lives. Some periods of our life are bright and rich, some more subdued, some warm and some exhilarating, just as our moods are happy, sad, contemplative, humorous, energetic and sometimes we just blend in with our surroundings. From what Susie has shared, I think of you as a very warm, caring, loving, creative and generous person and have a love for our Lord that is so evident. Indeed you are a cherished part of her family.
May you feel God’s blessing on you every day. May peace and joy be your constant companions as you travel on your journey here on earth, through the peaks and valleys, the high ways and the by-ways. And may you bask in the warmth and wonder of his Son. …Bev Laszlow


  1. i read this, and i cried, and i cried. what an absolutely amazing gift. i can’t imagine the feeling you would have as you wrap that around you, knowing the prayers that have been said for you, the love for you as it was made, and the feeling of not being alone, as you have a beautiful visual and physical reminder of God’s presence and love via your fellow faithful friends. how amazing. i love you ma-v.

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