PSALM 139 – CHOOSE LIFE……….Life is God’s to Give and God’s to Take

just finished reading karen kingbury’s book “SUMMER” (sunrise series #2)very well written about a family with a baby born with anencephaly…………and read psalm 139

she sums it up by saying:
without God this could nearly destroy a person….
having to embrace life and death in a single day. …

she said her research showed couples who decided to let their baby live….enjoyed the pregnancy and celebrated the childs life- however short.
anencephaly happens to one in 1,000 babies, but most miscarry before a diagnosis is made…..then only 1 in 10,000 live to the 16 week mark.
she said she wrote this book, because it forces us to look at life….in our day where people take life very lightly…

some people choose to kill babies…….
how can you do anything but CHOOSE LIFE


  1. the line above “in our day where people take life very lightly…” hit me really hard. Why do we take life so lightly? how have we come to a point where the small, main things of life don’t matter? How easy it is to get distracted at times and to not be really present to LIFE. I hope that I can grow to value life at its fullness and help others see the same.

  2. sarah, you are wise to realize that an at early age:) i think we have grown to take so much for granted and it really is the small things in life that are the biggest!!! the best things in life… can’t be bought:)

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