sunday after church we went down to dav and whits, the open house was going on for camp lakeview, mike and i got to go on the zip line!
i have no pics of us, but this is what david built
and engineered and there was a steady line of people all day! someone took a movie of mike and i going down at the same time…i screamed the whole way
earlier we had headed to the lake cottage to get enola, we took a boat ride first, before going back to the house


bode and enola best buds, he calls her “noli”
heading back in, thanks brian and pat for the ride and the beverages:)

we spent the night and got to enjoy enola, all to ourselves, whit had her youth group on a camping trip and trip to kings island, and deandra had to go where the food supply was:) dav worked all day…
we headed home monday when dav got off work and came home to this…….

thank you justin, i was was procrastinating, but we got the tomato plants and zucchini in today, i bought some pretty big plants, so i think we are pretty much on schedule being this late in planting.

One Comment

  1. Life IS good in Southern Indiana, that’s for sure! Mike and I went to see Sam on Saturday and saw the zip line too!

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