wednesday, was pretty calm and restful, eliza had a little friend over and then we headed to the pool………… yesterday on the other hand was a full day and we didn’t get home til late………. a trip down to seoul for judes vet appt! that is a whole story in itself! maybe shel will share with you some day…….. not even sure if jude is coming back with us or going cargo on another flight to be quarantined somewhere for a month!!!
then on to shels doctors appt. .. we got to see delia again on an ultrasound…
you can see her little hand in the air…..the last time i saw her, was at her 12 week ultrasound, when shel was home in indiana………. her little hands were up in the air and i could see her little heart beat fluttering:) her heart rate has gone down some, since the last time, but she is not breech now. i got to meet the doulas, that shel was working with over here, really nice… shel is going to miss being with them, i could tell. her doctor was very nice and was very supportive.
i took movies for shel, of delia, it was pretty awesome because you can hear eliza on the video saying over and over, i love that video! i was overcome with emotion, last night… tears tears tears to the one who catches them all:) thanks for listening tammy, i miss you……… i got to end my night by kissing shel and delia:) a real blessing to the end of the night…

we did stop for dinner at little prince, before coming home… that is eliza’a hangout:) pics to follow

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