while in seoul we stopped at a couple of camps, yongsan is where jude had his appt and shel had hers, saw these while driving through, i guess temporary housing like what they have when over seas



then stopped at camp kim for james to set up with transportation the exporting on their car….

here’s a pic of the outside of the mail room here at camp casey

the security is a pain to go through everytime, so i got a temporary guest card, i am forever in the records of south korea… fingerprints and all! before my card came in i had to show my passport and license everytime and shel had to show her id and they took a image of her print everytime, with my pass it goes a lot quicker, cause we don’t even have to get out of the car.

we drive past the gates of camp red cloud……….i am amazed at how many camps are here! i have had my eyes opened on what military life in korea consists of, and i guess i didn’t really have a clear picture in my mind what to expect….. i didn’t realize there would be so many korean soldiers here also, being an american base, but i guess when you think about it, we are working with them.

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