the DMZ…. standing… staring at the north korean side… the piece of cement is the line, that one side is south korea and the other side, north korea


we went into the blue building on the left and that is where the negotiating table is . here it is, i was standing on the north korean side
the MDL (military demarcation line) passes through the center of the military armistice building, right through the center of the table!

if you zoom on this pic you can see the north korean soldier standing at the top of the stairs, sometimes he was looking at us with binoculars, they said they were probably taking pictures and use some for propaganda



first thing on the tour is signing a declaration … the first thing says
“the visit to the JSA (joint security area) at panmunjom will entail into a hostile area and possibility or injury or death as a direct result of enemy action.
and ends with
The United Nations command, the United States of America, and the Republic of Korea cannot guarantee the safety of visitors and may not be held accountable in the event of a hostile enemy act.

hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ……SIGN ME UP:) i have read and understand and will comply with these instructions
i’m going to post a few pics, but i am really tired and going to go to bed
here i am in north korea standing next to a ROK (republic of korea) soldier

we went down into the third tunnel, but no pictures could be taken.

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