while at the dmz you see the freedom house sitting on the north korean side, it was built by the ministry of unification and meant to be a place that the people from both countries could have family reunions for the people that were separated from the war, but the north korean government won’t allow their people to use it, for fear of them defecting

another view from the bus

the bridge of no return was used for prisoner exchanges at the end of the Korean War. The name originates from the claim that many war prisoners captured by the United States did not wish to return home. The prisoners were brought to the bridge and given the choice to remain in the country of their captivity or cross over to the other country. But if they chose to cross the bridge, they would never be allowed to return


do you feel like you are getting a history lesson here!?! i did, and i have learned so much about the korean war i didn’t learn in history… did we learn this and i wasn’t paying attention? or were we so much into the vietnam war that, that is what i remember?

One Comment

  1. both of these posts are making me think about times in eastern europe. especially berlin when it was a split city.

    thanks for the pics and recap.

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