their first shipment left and today their household goods shipment goes, all the big furniture and the stuff that goes out the window on a conveyor………they won’t see all that stuff til sometime in september. we move out and go to stay in the casey lodge hotel, and then leave on friday…. they are really busy getting last minute stuff taken care of, the car gets shipped out on thursday i think, they originally thought of leaving it here, but since it’s only been a year they decided to bring it back. james’ motorcycle gets shipped with the household goods!
this is them snoozing the other day on the bus home from our dmz tour, it lasted 8 hours so we were tired…
i’m sure they will feel like this when they get on the plane..finally………. james has been on the phone a lot in the past week, trying to get things all settled…………he is going to deserve a huge break when they finally get back to indiana, i’m looking forward to the party on the 30th and sitting and enjoying a beer with him and all the boys!!!

i took a couple pics of the stores, over here they are stacked floors of stores, instead of spread out like ours on one looks like vegas at night!



  1. Sounds like you are having quite the experience over there! Where do Shel and James go when they get back to Indiana? Does James have to report to camp right away? Praying for safe travels for all of you.

  2. they are stationed at camp atterbury, near edinburg outlets! near dav and whit, it is a national guard camp and he will be one of only a couple active duty soldiers there!!! he has leave til august 10th so we will get to see them til then
    i am having a great time, i do miss mike though horribly! we have never been apart for this long, not even close!!! but it was a sacrifice i am glad i did, because i have got to experience so much and got to see what their life consisted of over here, and for that i am grateful:)

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