yesterday we went to cafe bene for waffles, met with a couple of shel’s friends, jen and tori
eliza just waiting for our waffles

conversation with nana

mmmmm this peach drink is good:)

shel and me:)

cheezin it up with tori, she’s starting to smile and wink at the same time!

jen and tori with eliza

today we are in the suites, not much sleep last night, went to lunch with bekah and teagan at the gateway club, shel’s treat:)
eliza and teagan,

this picture cracks me up! i have a whole series of them together and it is hysterical!


two more nights here and we are headed home, it’s been a long journey, but enjoyable…. eye-opening to the military life,
after so many road blocks in the whole process of leaving and moving day, and after he made the comment to me “welcome to my life” i told james last night…”i know God knew i couldn’t handle this way of life”, although i have to say he has been very patient and kind in his reaction to all of it… i am sure he has kept a lot of it to himself…. impressed with the discipline though, i think the civilian life could have more of it!!! shel handles it all like a “trooper”… i know when you get to be with someone you love, it doesn’t matter where you are, just as long as you are together… and at least he is not deployed and they got to be a family together.. all these girls here are so much braver than i ever was, i couldn’t imagine raising children so far from home!
praying the rest of the process goes along without too many more hiccups:)

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