nancy and susie, definately a look and learn vacation:)
i’m trying to catch up:)….. i know we did other things and i have pics i haven’t shared….i guess i never made a post on going to dongdaemun! i forgot my memory card that day, so shel had some pics….Dongdaemun Market is located near Dongdaemun. The market has 26 shopping malls situated over 10 blocks, 30,000 speciality shops, and 50,000 manufacturers… we shopped and i got fabrics, some vera bradley and others for steph to make eliza some dresses, i got some jewelry here also, this place was the best! and i felt like i had seen something i would never see anywhere else!

some of shels pics

took the train and spent the day, wasn’t even comparable to shipshewanna, it was shipshewanna on steroids!!! 1000 times over!!! more than your senses could take in! this is where i bought my vera bradley fabric for 5,ooo won…less than 5 dollars a yard!

rows and rows of beads, jewelry, buttons, craft stuff…on and on this place was like hobby lobby aisles only thousands of times over and really really cheap!

where shel would buy her felting stuff

while here, yep i got to experience peeing in a hole! plus you have to bring your own TP

you see these everywhere, this is how their billboards are: through the rain:) lots of rain while i was here

shel with her friend tori, that we spent a lot of time with and who is going to miss eliza … a lot:(

and i guess i never finished my post on rock drops,

these are cement towers placed along the roadsides that are loaded with c-4

Commonly called “rock drops” and described as “North Korean speed bumps,” the concrete hulks were built in the 1970s and 1980s to be exploded over transportation corridors, with the resulting tons of rubble intended to slow armored columns if there were a ground invasion from the North.
james name in his warrior motorcycle club is “rockdrop” i thought he got his nick-name from going bungee jumping! rock drop:)

we went here the same day we went to the DMZ
Imjingak Resort is a place where the sorrow caused by the Korean War occurred in June 1950 and the conflict between the south and the north of Korea remains in. There are a diversity of monuments including the monument in the Imjingang zone and the US soldiers monument in Imjingak Resort. A train which goes to Shineuiju, the northern end of the Korean Peninsula before the division between two Koreans is exhibited in Imjingak Resort. Mangbaeddan is located to enable displaced people whose hometown was the North Korea to bow down to their parents or family in North Korea during the New Years Day and Chuseok. Sorrow of the dispersed family remains in Mangbaeddan. 3,800,000 Korean and foreign visitors Imjingak Resort visit each year as the Peace Tourist Spot where people meditate on sorrow of the division between two Koreans and pray for the unification.



camp casey is 2nd infantry, i thought it was telling that they didn’t have a finish date……….

the same day we also went here:
Third Infiltration Tunnel in DMZ • The 3rd infiltration tunnel is located 12km from Munsan and 52km from Seoul. Since 2002, this site welcomes tourists with a modern DMZ, shel went too and walked down the whole way! i had to stop and take a couple breaks on the way back up!
someone said there are probably ten more of the these tunnels! i can’t believe these were built and no one knew and that they were just discovered in 1978!

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