i need to explain why i always called mikes mom and dad …aunt helen and uncle bob! that is how i was introduced to them and called them that before mike and i ever started going together, we met mike and elden, summer of our sophomore year, 1970, then 5 years later mike and i started going out, we only dated for 4 months and got engaged on my 21st birthday, and then married 3 months later! so after calling them aunt helen and uncle bob for 5 years, it didn’t even occur to me to call them anything different… as time went on and much later, probably 20 years, it started to make me wonder… did that bother mikes mom, that i never called her mom? i’m sorry aunt helen if it did, but believe me, “aunt helen” to me was a most endearing name for me:) anyone who knew mikes’ mom would agree with me! she was one beautiful lady and i was so blessed to be able to have her as my “mom”

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