it’s already been a week ago yesterday we got a call from shel, she was in labor, this whole week is a blur, today i sit here with macy by my side, shel and james just left with eliza to go to st. louis to get shel’s car, and mike had to leave and i am alone, alone with my thoughts, and HIS words to us… when i opened my bible this morning, the first thing i read was from Psalm 50, this is what HE said to me:

“i want you to trust me in your times of trouble, so i can rescue you, and you can give me glory”……”those who walk my paths will receive salvation from the Lord”

i have no words for what we have all just been through, i don’t have the gift of writing like HE gave to my beautiful daughter.

one of the first things shel said to me when we got down there, is “mom don’t be sad, it’s not time to be sad….YET”  but for me, i was sad because i knew what my daughter was about to experience, i hurt so much for her, just knowing that when it was all done, she and james were not going to be bringing delia home with her, to love and hold.

i can’t even put into words the feeling of holding my sweet delia, i knew i had to let others hold her, but i didn’t want to let go, i did… and everyone got to love on her for a few short minutes, i thought that was all the time we were going to get with her, but then after everyone left, i sat in the rocking chair and rocked her, and rocked, papa took a movie, so i can watch this when ever i need her to be near me…. then i got to hold her one more time at the funeral, i am so thankful for my time here on earth with her, saying good bye was more pain than i ever imagined.  i am not posting any pics, shel has posted what she has wanted.

thanking God for the gift of pastors, who were there to support all of us through this, we are truly blessed to have had these men of God in our lives… and to my three sons:) thank you for being there for your baby sister, i know that you will always be there for her to lean on, and UA i loved your music, thank you

our family is a circle of strength and love, thank you to all who showed support to us in this time, we are all so very blessed to have each one of you in our lives to go on this journey with us. nancy thank you so much for being you, and documenting our families history! thank you steph and elden for getting great grandma down there so she could hold her newest great-grand baby,  and for delia’s quilt, and cori for your talents:) shel loved her hat and the design, thank you to shels sisters:) for all your help and krista for coming and helping out with kids and whits mom and pastor cooks wife for all the babysitting while everything was getting done! and to camp lakeview for putting us all up… thank you maureen for keeping macy for us and for being there for me, you are the best friend a friend could have!….if i have forgotten someone i apologize, i didn’t mean for it to turn into a thank you!!!

to my rock through all of this… my husband, mike i loved that you told delia a story, you are the best papa ever!


thanking God for the path my family walks together on this journey, delia you have changed our lives forever


  1. very well said! i know sometimes people think ” why me” or “why us” , but having been part of this and just knowing of Delia – I am so thankful to included in such an expression of faith and God’s love. my life has changed – and i’m truly grateful. 🙂

  2. Great post Verna!! I loved the pictures of you holding her…they were so beautiful! You have so much love for your family. I wish I could give you a big hug right now!! All of you continue to be in our thoughts and prayers.

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