today dave and karen bursley stopped by and we went down to the sunrise diner, downtown lafayette, for breakfast.


loved visiting and catching up on old times:) dave and karen and a group from their church up in michigan, came down for a week to work on the lutheran build habitat for humanity house this summer, so they were coming back to town to be there for the dedication of the house yesterday. i didn’t get to see them the week they came down in the summer, because i was in korea at that time, so was glad i got to visit with them this time. they are very good friends from our home church st. michaels in hebron and have been up in michigan for 20 years now, so it was good to re-connect with them. it seems we have been doing a lot of that lately…connecting with all sorts of people from our past:) it must be our age…everyone is done raising their families, so we have a little more time to do the things we all enjoy:)….oh, not that we didn’t enjoy raising families:)

they just got back from a 5 week trip to alaska!

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