one chapter closed, another opened, it is all so bittersweet, i have wanted to be a member of the womens bible study at church for some time, but it met the same day, i was up with mom at her bible study. i enjoyed being with mom at hers, but always felt like i should be a part of one at my own church too… i knew this day would come… today i sat in bible study at grace doing a beth moore study “DAVID seeking a heart like his” one thing i want from this new chapter is to be more intentional with my time in the word, and i think this study is going to be a good one, one that i can not just appease God, but please God:) oh i have my moments, today was hard because it was knowing i will probably never sit with those people in my moms church that i had grown to know and love, i loved them for loving my mom the way they all did….

looking for him to “not just hold me, but to mold me:)”  i want a heart like HIS

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