awesome trip to see UA and A, got there saturday night after about 10 hours on the bike, tired and ready for a rest, after visiting a little that night, we all headed for bed, joshua and adrienne were just coming off of the team training, so they were tired also.
sunday we got up and walked to church… heard an awesome sermon:) after church we headed out for lunch and then to see the movie “courageous” which we enjoyed…weather was beautiful on sunday, adrienne made a delicious dinner as usual, i don’t ever have to worry about joshua not being fed well:) adrienne is an awesome cook! played games that evening, scrabble slam, til we decided we got tired of joshua winning, then we switched to farkle.
monday morning brought us downtown to the ultrasound and the reason we made this trip:)


adrienne had been nervous… as well i could understand, i wasn’t prepared for the emotions that flooded over me when i saw their little one, tears filled my eyes and i thanked God for answering all my prayers, pip was moving all around and the technician showed us every part …but one:)
we all had a feeling of relief and total happiness…

i’m pretty excited about getting to see my oldest son be a dad, and i know he will be a wonderful, amazing terrific father, just like his brothers, and his dad:)
so after that we had to say goodbye, there in the parking garage…. then we headed back to indiana and had a 10 hour ride in front of us,
great weather the whole way, beautiful colors
in wisc. near the dells
long ride…tiring but well worth it!
thank you to shel for coming and staying with the dogs:) we had a house full, and we weren’t here to enjoy it! luke and tam and the kids were down here also for saturday night and a baptism on sunday, God’s newest member of the church family at grace, little jack wietbrock, congrats to michele and matt and Godparents luke and tam


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