on our way home from minnesota, we pulled off the interstate for lunch, we usually like to go further off the exit into small towns and eat at the local places, not chains… so we pulled off in mauston, wisc. and drove through the downtown and saw the courthouse, and just across from the court house was a little diner… mike asked is this where you want to stop,
i saw the stained glass crosses in the window, and said “yes, here”…
a little diner called “beyond the daily grind”
the whole trip, i couldn’t stop thinking about my mom and how much she always worried about us being on this motorcycle, i kept looking up and assuring her… mom we are being safe:) ….when i am on the bike, most of my time is spent praying anyway, i use this time to pray for my children and grandchildren! i have not got on that bike once without asking God to watch over us and to send his angels all around us:)

back to the diner…….. so we walk in, sit down in the church pews

and order our food,

and notice all around us are bible verses and quotes,

a really nice place done very tastefully…while waiting to get our food, we get up and walk around and in the back i notice this door

i couldn’t help but think God had led us to this very place, to see my moms confirmation verse and to assure me, everything was going to be alright! there standing in front of me was this door with her verse written all over it! really God? you knew i needed this at this time…i just stood there with tears in my eyes and felt my moms presence all around me…. yeah not just in my eyes… more like running down my face!


Revelation 3:20
i might have to do this on one of my doors:)

and one more sign…………….woke this morning and looked out the window to see this:)
from the rose bush my mom had bought me this summer


  1. i love when those visits happen. it brings peace like a river…even if it is a river of tears : )

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