last night i got a call from eliza and she informed me that delia was going to be a big sister!!!

guess who else gets to be a big sister again:) i wonder what she thinks…. does she understand any of what just happened… in her little 2 year old mind, does she wonder why enola has a little sister that is with her and she has a baby sister that is not there?


so we have # 8 and 9 coming next year!!! i hope and pray all these little ones can grow up close, since they are all so close in age:)   i have to add this… the other day steph said  delia is your #7 grandchild and that is the perfect number, yes perfect:)

i wasn’t expecting to hear this news this soon, but i have to say i am pretty excited and know that this is God’s plan and he must of thought that this is just what james and shel need at this time:) i am happy that it will be before eliza turns 3, i was really wanting them to have them close and i am so happy God thought so too!!!


please remember shel and james in your prayers whenever you can and please pray for a healthy pregnancy


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