i am thanking God for this little one’s life today..
so this morning brought me back to a day in 1982, when david was choking, it was the most horrible feeling, in those days there was not a 911…
today i had to call 911…deandra was choking and she couldn’t get whatever it was to go down or come up, she was breathing but gasping and choking and i couldn’t help her… she would stop breathing then gag and gag and stop again, i couldn’t feel anything in her mouth, but she could not get her breath for any length of time… and i was helpless, not knowing if one of the times she stopped, she wasn’t going to start again… in the end thank God she was ok, after emt’s and paramedics here, i thought she had swallowed a small little dress-up doll piece that had a little piece of magnet on the back…. they checked her lungs and said they were clear, at one time she choked a little blood, we didn’t know if it was from the end of the piece or it was from gagging so much and being on medication for ear infections… the emt saw i was pretty upset and asked if they could call someone for me and i told them david was at camp, david came home only after being reassured deandra was ok….then after giving us the all clear, but saying we should probably take her in for an x-ray ….we are all standing there, david holding her, and i notice she is twisting her tongue and david looks and she has a piece of scotch tape in her mouth! while 5 men and me are standing there discussing about bringing her in for x-rays!!! after having assessing her and shining a light in her mouth and doing all what they do! i do not know where that piece of tape was the whole time!

before they got there, as i was on the phone the lady said they couldn’t find me, then i looked out the window and told her i could see their flashing lights, they had passed the house and headed to camp… after all was said and done, i wondered if i had done the right thing and they assured me, that it was the right thing to do to follow my instincts and yes i was right in being safe, also for your info, i asked if i should do compressions near her chest or sternum, thinking i could get her to cough it up and she told me no, don’t do that, you could only lodge it deeper!
and as if that wasn’t enough, i decided to come home, had planned on staying another day, thought i might be able to make it to my bible study tonight…. my 2 hour trip turned into 3 hours, an accident on the bridge in indy at the 114 and it was stop and go for an hour straight… pouring rain the whole way…my nerves are fried
i am sure no has a clue as to how many babies i have saved in my life, and i am not sure why God chose me! but the number now totals 6!!!
Dear Lord be with me and help me be able to take a breath and i do thank you Lord for being with us today…amen


  1. absolutely the right thing! i used to teach choking and cpr – i’d be glad to give u some refershers 🙂

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