yes we are expecting grandbaby #8 within days and now……#9!!! as enola announced when i came in: mama has a baby in her belly!

it took me by surprise, i looked at dav and whit, and said something like “did she just say what i thought she said!?!?!” and they both smiled:) how awesome, wow this just doesn’t ever get old:) and little deandra will be 18 mos old when she gets to be a big sister!

mike got the call before i got down there, so he knew and was at the vandercar dinner up north so they all knew before i found out in person!

i got to go with whit for her ultrasound and it is amazing to think at 6 1/2 weeks after conception that you can hear that little heart beat! they set her due date as oct 4
our family just keeps growing and growing:) Praise God for his goodness to us!


  1. thanks michelle and jackie:) and adrienne we can’t wait, getting pretty anxious here as i know you are too!!! love

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