happy birthday to the happiest little girl… i can’t believe you are 1 year old already!and i can’t believe how much you are looking like your daddy:)


hey big girl, i heard you are taking steps:)

nana and papa love you sooooooooo much!


  1. Good lord, 1 already!!!!! I think I have only seen her once, twice at the most….the years just fly by…

  2. me too…

    but i love that face when I do see her….
    in person and in pics.
    those dimples just make me crack up.

  3. She reminds me of those pictures of me…when I was a baby…wristlet wrinkles and all!!! I told Nancy she needs to post that picture. Happy Birthday, Deandra!

  4. She reminds me of those pictures of me…when I was a baby…wristlet wrinkles and all! I told Nancy she needs to post that picture to compare us!

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