the tooth fairy found evia at nana and papa’s house this weekend:) evia lost her tooth saturday night, she put it in a chick easter egg for the tooth fairy”_


whenever they come to our house they love to get in the hot tub, we get their swim rings out and they stay in until we make them get out! we sat around a fire in the fire pit while they played.


sunday morning we went to church, during the service levi showed me a pic he drew of this family, i asked him why he didn’t draw georgia?  he said ” i don’t draw animals very good” so i drew one, which wasn’t very good and he informed me “nana, you don’t draw animals very good!” thanks levi for being so honest:) so emma drew one and it was very good, i told him he’d have to have emma or aunt whit draw for him, they are the artists in the family! in fact i could have added aunt adrienne too, i mean she is the one with a minor in art!!!

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