we got to spend the last days of 2009 with luke and tammy and kids:) we do feel so blessed and enjoy our times together at the “Popsicle house”  a name given to this old house by the girls….since emma and evia were little… whenever they would come to visit they would take baths in our tub here in lafayette, and we would give them popsicles hence….”popsicle house” so yesterday we went out and got in the hot tub and enjoyed popsicles together:)



today papa got online for directions and started making party hats for the kids to bring in the new year!     ok martin stewart!!!


he did a pretty good job and was really getting into making them festive:)…..levi was tired and really didn’t want to pose… i think he thought we were laughing at him, he is very sensitive at times, we weren’t laughing at him… it was papa we were laughing at:)



…….seriously he has so much fun with the kids, i can’t imagine what it would be like to have a papa like him!!! i had one grandpa, and i just remember getting yelled at for slamming the door at the cottage, while he sat and listened to wgn and the cubs, maybe that’s why i don’t like the cubs!!!…….i don’t have a whole lot of other memories of “gramp”…..kind of sad when you think about it, i mean i loved him but really don’t remember very many  “fun times” maybe the older grandkids do, but i don’t

levi had fun with the different trains, this one pic is for tammy…. look at puppy on the floor:)



i love making memories for these sweet little souls……God has really blessed our family and we give all praise and thanksgiving to HIM

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