
i got to watch enola the other day and after being with eliza for so long, i’m sorry but those 2 are as different as night and day in so many ways! some obvious, some not so obvious, and i know i’m not supposed to compare, but how can i not:)

one has light hair, the other dark,

for now… is chunky, the other long and lanky!

one has 6 teeth, the other none!

one likes to cuddle, the other won’t!

one is getting around and you can’t keep up with her, the other one is content to sit and play! it will be interesting to see them growing up in all the different stages:)

enola is trying to stand up and has got to standing, but she doesn’t crawl yet! i took this pic right before she got up on her hands and knees and was trying to get all the way up, whit said she has found her standing in her crib, a couple of times!


she loves to sit and play with toys and other stuff!


here she fell asleep in my arms, and i was loving it, cause eliza won’t even put her head down if you are holding her! we had a peaceful morning, she did want me to hold her quite a bit, i think her ears are bothering her, they found out she is going to be having tubes put in her ears, poor thing, she has spent many days of her life with her ears bothering her, but is a very calm baby in spite of it.


every one is saying she is looking more like dav all the time, i love watching david interact with her, someone at camp said david has got a new girl in his life! and believe me it shows how much he adores her:)

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